Do I need a Customs Broker?
Do I need a Customs Broker to clear my goods for entry into the United States?
Although not legally required to use a Customs Broker in the import process, most importers choose to do so recognizing the variety of efficiencies gained by allowing a licensed professional to facilitate entry of their goods.
Licensed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to conduct Customs business on behalf of importers nationwide, Customs Brokers are experienced in navigating CBP’s regulatory requirements while also working with importers to ensure compliance with all other government agency rules and regulations that may apply.
Although the importer of record is ultimately responsible for ensuring all imported products are in compliance with CBP and other government agency regulations, the use of a Customs Broker often helps importers avoid costly errors while expediting the entry and release of the goods.
Do I need an International Freight Forwarder?
Why do I need an International Freight Forwarder to facilitate the export of my goods from the United States?
Using a trained professional to arrange and facilitate the international movement of goods to its foreign destination is the easiest way for an exporter to ensure compliance with export documentation and regulatory requirements.
Regulated by the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), freight forwarders have a unique knowledge of the supply chain that enables them to craft cost effective “door to door” transportation solutions and provide an understanding of banking practices such as “Letters of Credit” that offer financial security and “peace of mind” in selling products overseas.
Freight forwarders are also positioned to provide a variety of supporting services such as packing, storage, inland freight and insurance coverage offering exporters a single point of contact for all shipping needs.